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Organizational Chart - Organization, Task, Email address 제공 표
Organization Task Email address
Job Research Center Establishment of job projects and policies based on Gyeonggi-do’s characteristics in regional industries and policy demands jhlee3@gjf.or.kr
Integrity Audit Team
Planning and Coordination Team
Wider Community Support Team - Creation of jobs tailored to each region in Gyeonggi-do and training for job counselors
- Job fair in smart industry areas for the disabled
Southern Gyeonggi Wider Community Project Team Providing subsidies to offer overseas training experiences to socially vulnerable youths and assist their various endeavors edupro@gjf.or.kr
Northern Gyeonggi Wider Community Project Team Job interview fees for youths in Gyeonggi-do and support for delivery workers nowstart@gjf.or.kr
Talent Nurturing Team Qualifications in technology areas for future growth and connection to jobs in the relevant fields jinsung@gjf.or.kr
Innovation Strategy Team Policy development and promotion to induce structural changes in the labor market k9831001@gjf.or.kr
HR and General Affairs Team
Western Wider Community Project Team Reemployment support by providing subsidies and connecting job experiences to baby boomers jobschool@gjf.or.kr